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Bridge in a British Summer

As the Spring term reaches its last few weeks, please remember that, whilst the regular classes will be off until the Autumn term starts in mid-September, Friday Morning with Paul will continue every week throughout the summer.

And, because this is a British Summer, and the weather may not be perfect every day, there will also be some Summer Specials. Please look out for these in the Monday mail-shots (if you don't receive the mailshots and would like to, subscribe to the mailing list from this site) as I'll try to be pro-active in adding one if the weather (or another lockdown) looks as though it might keep us indoors.

The card room at The Roehampton Club is being made ready for live bridge later this summer. Depending on the prevailing situation, I may be able to offer some live classes come the autumn. However, some (or all) of them will continue online regardless of the live play situation.

The Tresanton Bridge Week is scheduled to go ahead - and I do plan to add another bridge event into my schedule for 2022.


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